My favorite picture...

My favorite picture...

Thursday, April 21, 2011

We are off to the beach...and Disney World!

Will be back on May 1st!

Our favorite treats from Venice-only 2 boxes left....

CK shopping! My favorite store...

for me...

for Steve...

Monday, April 18, 2011

Going to Florida soon!

staying at Tuscana Resort

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Spring shopping at Michael Kors

Our new 27' iMac!!!!!!!!

Amazing all-in-one computer!

Things from Italy...

Venecian glass earings from Venice and leather necklace with glass pendant from Florence


Friday, April 15, 2011

Trip to Italy part 5-Venice

 just off the train


crossing the Grand Canal

on Realto Bridge


San Marco Piazza

Basilica San Marco

Doge's Palace

on top of the tower

inside Doge's Palace

Grand Ball Room

crossing the brigde of Sighs-sad...

lunch near Realto


sailing the Grand Canal


night Venice-near our hotel